
Write for Us Real Estate

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HomeWisdo is blog about Real Estate Guide and Updates. Where we share everything related to Real Estate News, Market Updates, Tips and Education for buyer, sellers or Realtors.

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Write for Us Realtors

We are Real Estate Research and Analyst Team and Provide help for Realtors to achieve their Business Goals.

If that sounds like its you, then you might be a good fit for our tribe of big thinkers, researchers, and storytellers.

The HomeWisdo is seeking outstanding writers and Authors who are able to help us in developing fresh ideas. That will allow our modern media firm focused on realtors to generate the best content to Grow their Business.

As we’re dedicated to Property and Real Estate culture, we welcome anyone who can provide really valuable content that will astound our readers who have knowledge regarding Property and Real Estate. If you are aware of interesting content about Real Estate, Construction, Home Finance, Property Laws, Or Home Improvement, and Home Buying Selling, we would love to feature it! Join our Community to Write for Us Real Estate lets spread the realty knowledge everywhere.

Write for us Real Estate

Content Submission Guidelines

So how do you write for us, that attract more visitors attention and relevant to realtors, construction, home improvement, or for that matter any topic? You need to keep the following things in mind while writing:-

  1. We publish content related to real estate only. Unrelated content on topics like casinos, CBD, and gambling is not published on our website.
  2. The content should be unique and must not have been published anywhere else.
  3. Minimum Article word limit is 800 words and maximum is 4000 words and Best and Recommended Article size is 2000 words The lower word limit for the article is 800 words. The recommended length of the article is 2000+ words. The upper limit is 4000 words.
  4. Choose a topic that is universal and has a mass audience. Substantiating your view with statistics and examples would be advantageous. Use keywords, headings, and subheadings to make the article SEO-friendly.
  5. You may Include links to other articles and your site in the write-up. They should appear to be a natural part of the article rather than forced.
  6. Spammy or low-quality links will not be accepted.
  7. Our users can rate the published articles/posts for quality on our website. Therefore ensure that the content you submit is of good quality.
  8. Please make sure that the submitted content has the proper grammar and correct spelling.
  9. Include your link URLs in the content.
  10. Mention the Author’s name, a brief introduction, and a contact email address.
  11. The submitted article can be rejected without assigning any reasons. Published articles can also be similarly removed.
  12. After submitting the article it would become our property and we would be free to edit it to suit our reader’s tastes.
  13. Submit your content in docx(MS Word) or odt(LibreOffice Writer) file format only. Attach the high-resolution image files separately.
  14. Include images(jpeg format) in your article. The recommended resolution is 1200(w) x 675(h) pixels. The images should be unique and free to use without any copyrights.
  15. After the topic is approved, kindly submit the content within a week to ensure that the article is considered for publishing.
  16. Check your Inbox and Spam folder for messages as sometimes emails get marked as spam.
  17. The articles are published free of charge provided they meet the content guidelines. A contributor account for one year is provided at $50 per year, where you can submit and edit unlimited articles for three years, provided they meet the content guidelines.
  18. Pricing
    • Contributor Account with username and password- Unlimited Article Submissions for one year -₹8350/ $100
    • Author Account– Contributor Account can be upgraded to Author Account after 5 or more articles have been published. Users will be able to directly publish an unlimited no. of articles on the website for the remaining period- ₹8350+₹12400/ $100+$150
    • Single article Submission with a maximum of two external links  -₹1650 / $20
    • Single Link Insertion in an existing article-₹835/$10
    • Article without external links- ₹0 / $0
  19. The prices are fixed and not negotiable.
  20. Link exchange is offered on per per-link basis depending on the quality and relevance of the hosting website.
  21. Payment Method is Payoneer and Paypal.
  22. For PayPal payments the PayPal fee, currency conversion & other charges will be borne by the author. These amount to 7% over and above the mentioned prices. i.e. Single article submission costs $21.40 after including the fee.
  23. No sponsored tags are used.
  24. The turn around time(TAT) is 24 Hrs.
  25. Email your content to info@homewisdo.com

Happy writing!

HomeWisdo belongs to which country ?

HomeWisdo is Canada Based Real Estate News and Updates blog.

Can I write for you as Real Estate agent.

Yes, you can, right